Week 2 unit 9 and start unit 10 (third cut)


Hello guys, welcome once again to my blog, according to the last class we developed an activity as follows:

Vote for us!

You are going to create a new political party to participate in the mayoral election. Think of a name, logo and slogan for your party and five things you will do if you are elected. Make a handout to convince your classmate of your role.


Hello guys, once again we continue this journey of parenting this important language that is English.

We start our last unit, unit 10 consists of:

Beautiful world

 In English it refers to a beautiful or beautiful world. It can be a broad and subjective topic that relates to the appreciation of beauty in the world around us. Here we have some general ideas related to the "Beautiful World" theme:

Nature and Environment: The world is beautiful because of its nature and environment. You can explore the beauty of natural landscapes, ecosystems, diversity of species, etc.

Culture and Diversity: The world is beautiful because of the diversity of cultures, languages, traditions and people. You can explore how different cultures contribute to the beauty of the world.

Art and Creativity: Human creativity through art, music, literature and other forms of expression can be an important part of a "Beautiful World."

Resilience and Hope: In a deeper context, the theme can also address humanity's resilience and hope in creating a better world.

We carry out activities in class in which we design a crossword puzzle as shown here in the link :



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