Week 1 unit 6 ( first cut )



Hi guys, welcome back to my blog, we are starting a new semester and therefore a new unit.

On this occasion we will talk about Life Plans ,"Life plans" refers to the plans and goals that a person intends to achieve throughout his life. These plans can cover various aspects, such as education, professional career, personal relationships, personal growth, travel and family life, among others. The idea is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve in life and set steps and goals to achieve those goals.

Next I will tell you about me and my life plans

My name is Jesus, and I have a clear vision of my life ahead. I am currently studying to be a Lawyer and my ultimate goal is to work at a reputable Law firm, where I can make a difference in people's lives by providing compassionate care and support.

After completing my studies, I plan to gain experience in various settings to improve my skills and knowledge. I will take additional courses and certifications to specialize in Employment Law, as I am passionate about helping

 people during their work environment.

In the long term, I see myself assuming leadership roles in important organizations in favor of defending the rights of workers.

On a personal level, I plan to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I intend to travel to different parts of the world, experiencing various cultures and broadening my horizons. Building strong and meaningful relationships with my family and friends will continue to be a priority.

Furthermore, I am determined to continue my education throughout my career, attending conferences and workshops to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field of Law.

In that order of ideas, my life plan revolves around becoming a trained Lawyer and having a positive impact on society, maintaining a balanced and fulfilling personal life and giving back to society. I am excited to embark on this journey and persistently work to achieve my dreams.


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